Katie's Story:

The last straw for me was seeing a picture of myself at my son’s first birthday party. I had tried my hardest to avoid cameras and this was the first time I had seen a picture of myself for quite some time. I obviously knew that I had a weight problem, but it wasn’t until that point that I truly saw it. I knew that if I wanted to raise my son to be a healthy and happy person, I needed to be a positive roll model. If I didn’t change, there was a good chance he would follow in my footsteps.

I knew that I would need help with my diet because I had never really attempted a weight loss program before. I looked into Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, and after weighting the advantages and disadvantages I decided to use the Weight Watchers online program. This was perfect for me because I really didn’t have the confidence to walk into a meeting with others, but I had helpful tools to count my points online and I could read/post comments and questions on the website. I also knew that I had to add exercise into my program because dieting alone would help me lose weight, but I didn’t want to lose muscle as well. I started out walking and riding my bike. I got gutsy and decided to use my treadmill and jog a little. When I started jogging I could only do it for about 1-2 minutes. I am proud to say that I am currently training to run my first marathon (26.2 miles). I have completed 4 half marathons and numerous other smaller races.
My weight loss journey took about a year to complete and I lost nearly 100 pounds (98 to be exact). Although I was successful completing this journey, I started a new phase, maintaining my weight. This is something that I occasionally struggle with, but I know that I never want to go back to where I was before, and that is my motivation. Also, seeing my son run around all the time and excited to be active is such a wonderful reward. My son really likes fruits and veggies; he even says he loves them. I am so excited that I can confidently say, “I am raising a healthy and happy child.”
The most helpful tip I have for anyone trying to lose weight is to keep a positive outlook. I never said “If I lose the weight” I always said “When I lose the weight.” I would say that about 99% of weight loss is mental; you can either use it to your advantage or have it sabotage all your hard work. The beauty is that you and only you have the power to control it.

Starting weight 230 lbs
Currently weight 132 lbs
Height 5’6
Age 28
Congratulations Katie, thank you for sharing your story with us and being so open and transparent. I am so proud of you!!

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